ALN - Zoho Connect

Welcome to the ALN Zoho Connection helper!

The following steps should guide you through the process of setting up the connected app to sync ALN Data to your Zoho instance.

First, access your developer console at

Select 'Add Client' button at top right:

Select ''Server Based Applications'' and click on ''Create Now'':

Enter the settings below in the New Client window and click 'Create':

Now we need to register and authorize the app with the Client Id and Secret and Scope (i.e. permissions)
You can use the copy feature for the Client Id and Secret and paste them into the form fields below:

Please enter the Client Id.
Please enter the Client Secret.

Next, the Scope will define the module access for the application.
Some values have already been entered for access to the Bulk Update API as well as the Accounts and Contacts Modules
You can add or delete values in this input to reflect the desired Module access.

Values should be separated by a comma and use the following format for the module access:
ZohoCRM.Modules.[Module API Name].ALL

To find the available Module API names you can use this reference guide here to access the names.

Scope is Required

Now, we just need to generate a link back to Zoho to have you approve the settings for the app. Click on the button below to generate the Link back to Zoho.